Chakras: 9 Questions to Help You Understand Chakra Imbalances
Have you ever gone to the doctor with a list of legitimate complaints, only to return with perfectly clean test results? Do you ever feel unbalanced, like you’re constantly walking on shaky ground? Does everything seem upside down, unclear, and even scary? Maybe you wake up from a long night’s sleep, feeling restless and uneasy? These days, we are surrounded by so much stimulation with technology, caffeine consumption, and stress, that our energy can feel overworked and restricted. When you feel like something isn’t right in your body, but can’t physically point it out, it’s a sign that your problem is likely energetic.
What are chakras?
Chakras are energy centers that connect you to Earth and Spirit, simultaneously receiving and sending information. They’re spinning wheels of light; doorways of power and possibility through which your energy flows. A chakra is your Life Force in motion. When your chakras are aligned, you feel balanced, enlightened, and happier.
Are your chakras balanced?
Below are 9 key questions to ask yourself in order to discover which chakras, if any, need attention:
1) Do you feel safe and supported?
Earth Star Chakra (Vasundhara)
Your Earth Star Chakra is the closest connection you have to Gaia. It is a spinning wheel of light, located about 12 inches below your feet, connecting you to the collective energy that surrounds us. When you have an active connection to Gaia’s ancient wisdom, you can feel your ties to the bones of your ancestors, to the spirits that live in every part of nature, and to the collective consciousness of humanity. When your Earth Star Chakra is imbalanced or underactive, you may feel detached and unsteady.
2) Do you feel grounded and balanced?
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Your Root Chakra is your center of stability. When you feel connected and supported by Gaia, you are held safe and happy in her embrace. When your Root Chakra is out of balance, you can feel anxious and dizzy, almost like walking on uneven ground. This affects both your professional and personal relationships because when your sense of comfort and security feel depleted, your connection to others can start to crumble as well. When your Root Chakra is active and healthy, you walk with more confidence knowing you are seen and supported.
3) Do you feel inspired and passionate?
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
Your Sacral Chakra governs your creativity, your passions, and sexual desires. It is the domain of all creation. Your Sacral Chakra controls what you bring to life; whether it’s an idea, a project, or a child. When this center is imbalanced or underactive, you will likely feel closed off to intimacy and may experience an inability to pursue your passions. You may even face problems conceiving a physical baby. When your Sacral Chakra is balanced, you feel vivacious and inspired; empowered and filled with desire, which, in turn, makes you more desirable to others.
4) Do you often feel doubt or hesitation?
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Your Solar Plexus is the center of your personal power. It’s like a light switch inside of you that when turned on, illuminates a deep sense of strength and power. Imagine the Sun (solar energy) infusing you with its warmth, providing you with energy and clarity. When your Solar Plexus Chakra is active and balanced, you move forward in the right direction, using your own wisdom and skills to bring your dreams to life. If you feel filled with doubt or hesitation about your gifts or choices, your Solar Plexus Chakra may be out of alignment.
5) Do you treat yourself with love and kindness?
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
When your Heart Chakra is balanced you will experience compassion, happiness, and love, not only for others but for yourself as well. When you fill your heart with love, you become aware of the love that surrounds you. When your Heart Chakra is balanced, you’re able to maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships. Love is the closest thing to real magic that we all possess. When your Heart Chakra is imbalanced, you may feel sorrow, loneliness, and disconnection, even when your environment suggests otherwise.
6) Do you express yourself freely?
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Your Throat Chakra rules communication – not just the information you communicate, but how you do it. When your Throat Chakra is balanced, you are able to transform your thoughts and ideas into words freely. You find the clarity to express your wisdom and your deepest thoughts with truth and grace. When others are speaking, you listen with genuine focus and interest. When your Throat Chakra is imbalanced, it may be difficult for you to express your truth clearly and effectively, almost like being silenced by the invisible hand of repressed thought.
7) Do you have strong intuitive skills?
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
When your Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you trust your intuition and are able to see the world in its full, majestic vibrance. You can look beyond the naked eye and see the beauty of a person’s soul. Not only are you able to tap into these intuitive gifts, you also hold the power to differentiate your physical sight with your spirit sight. You see life and people as they truly are and accept both the light and dark. When your Third Eye Chakra is imbalanced, your senses may seem hazy and unfocused.
8) Do you have an intimate relationship with Source?
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Your Crown Chakra is your connection to the Divine. When this energetic center is balanced, you have access to deep levels of consciousness and a strong connection to Source. You accept yourself as part of the continuous universe and are able to fulfill your highest potential. You have an intimate relationship with your soul because you’re able to explore the wisdom of your spirit guides and the Divine realm. When your Crown Chakra is unbalanced, you feel disconnected with Source and Divine energy.
9) Do you feel connected to the love and beauty of the cosmos?
Soul Star Chakra (Sutara)
Your Soul Star Chakra is located above your Crown Chakra, like a halo. It’s the gateway through which Divine light enters your body and nourishes your soul. When this energetic center is active and balanced, you experience unconditional love and ethereal peace. It invites you to pursue ascension and spiritual development and is your connection to your Higher Self.
In closing
Everything is energy and energy is always moving. You really can shift and move into your most natural, healthy energetic flow and chakras are the doorways to make it happen! Keeping your chakras in harmony is key to overall physical and spiritual happiness. Improving energy flow pretty much improves anything you can imagine. If you want to feel better, increase your vitality, have a better sex life, and create abundance, start actively working with your chakras. You hold the power to improve your well-being. May you feel deep blessings of alignment.
Learn more!
Would you like to learn more about working with ? My upcoming book, “The Ultimate Guide to Chakras” officially launches on September 4! My hope is that you will be able to understand and heal your energetic centers with my guidance, and live a happier and healthier lifestyle. This book is for everyone – from the curious beginner to the experienced healer. to pre-order your copy before the publishing date, and save your receipt to receive a free gift!
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This content was originally published here.